COVID-19 Policy
Office Hours
Adhering to the Government’s new policy on lockdown as a result of Covid-19, our business is open but with some restrictions in place. In order for us to continue to provide our clients with our services in this rather unfortunate time, this Office is closed to our Clients/Public until further notice. However, we will continue to take your calls and attend to your enquiries. Our telephone lines continue to operate as normal and we will be able to answer your calls between our normal office hours of 9:30am -5:30pm Monday to Friday. Calls can also be taken in emergencies outside our normal Office hours above.
You can also send us an email or book an appointment using our online booking form. In accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines, all in person meetings and appointments are suspended and all consultations and meetings will take place remotely via Zoom. Once your appointment is confirmed a Zoom link will be sent to you ahead of any of such appointment. We will be reviewing this position closely with the Government’s updated guideline on Covid-19 restriction.
We appreciate this is a difficult time for everyone, but we will continue to do our best for you in this difficult time. We thank you for your kind cooperation and understanding. Please continue to stay safe.
Once the restrictions are lifted, we will provide you with our normal office opening hours and procedures.